
Support & FAQ

Questions or Feedback

Email team@fairytrail.app and we'll get back to you within 3-5 business days. In a rush? See if we've answered it before in our FAQ.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does this app work?

Fairytrail is the world's most popular travel buddy app for digital nomads, remote workers, and vanlife travelers. Over 50,000 nomads, remote workers, and travelers have used our app to find adventures, friends, and potential life partners.
After setting up your profile and your explore preferences, tap Explore (bottom left) to view profiles. Send a connect to people you find interesting. If they accept your request, then you'll see them in your messages.
Get to know each other and meet on adventures!

Q: Is Fairytrail free?

Fairytrail is free forever after verification. There's three ways to verify: payment, video call, or using an invite from a verified member or partner.